Export of Auto Parts
Car Models
Part Numbers
We export OE parts of trusted brands like Tata, Force Motors and Bajaj to bring to you a complete range of premium quality products at the best prices

We export parts for 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers, 4 wheelers and commercial vehicles all across the world with special expertise in Africa and Middle East

We can provide you with tyres for a wide range of passenger and commercial vehicles. This includes 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers and 4 wheelers.

OE Parts
OE (or original equipment) parts include lighting, engine components, suspension components, lubricants and filters for almost any vehicle!

Minidor Parts
The minidor is a 3 wheeler manufactured in Pune, India. Being from Pune, NTH can source and provide almost any and every part of this vehicle which is widely used across the globe.

Commercial Vehicles Parts
We can provide you a wide range of premium quality parts for commercial vehicles on an adhoc basis. This may include vehicles of Tata, Mahindra, Piaggio and Force to name a few

We can provide you batteries for 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers, 4 wheelers, commercial vehicles and even inverters or generators.
Get in touch
Have any questions? We are easily reachable! Fill out the form below or use the Whatsapp button on the bottom right to chat with us!